Everything you missed at the Fortnite World Cup + Results
By Beno
If you couldn’t make it to New York to see the Fortnite world cup in person, don’t worry because I went and I’ll tell you everything you missed. On the first day of the event you received a card with a code on it that would give you a free spray, Season 10 battle pass and 2000 V-Bucks which is AT LEAST $30 worth of free stufF. During the event There was people walking around dressed up as some of the skins from the game like Hybrid, fishstick, giddy up, lil whip, overtaker, peely, and more. There where also a lot of YouTubers/ streamers and celebrities just casually walking around signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. I got to meet some of the players who where competing in the tournament and even met a couple celebs like professional wrestler/YouTuber Xavier Woods and YouTuber Denkops aka Chris Denker.
Epic games
Outside the stadium they had what I would call a mini amusement park. There was games you could play like putt putt, nerf blaster challenge, clown toss and more. There was also a zip line that you could ride and a stage where you could compete in a gameshow or dance challenge.
On the third day of the event marshmallow had a surprise concert and gave out a limited number of marshmallow helmets to fans. But before you beat yourself up for missing out i’m gonna ahead and Let you know that they where cardboard. They also gaVe away more cArdes with 2500 v-Bucks on them which where also limited to the fiRt whatever number it was of people to enter and i was lucky enough to walk away with one.
Day 1 - Creative finals and Celebrity Pro-am
The Creative Finals
8 teams of four competed in 3 brand new game modes for a $3,000,000 prize pool.
Epic games
Epic games
Epic games
Epic games
Game mode 1 (Sky Station Showdown)
Is a modified version of call of duty’s domination where squads have to hold down points for as long as possible to gain points but only the teams designated VIP can earn point. The first team to 1000 points wins.
Game mode 2 (Junkyard Juke)
Is a game where teams that are turned into props try to make it to a location without being killed to gain point while one team has to defend and shoot props before they reach the location. Each team will defend once.
Game mode 3 (World Run)
Is a death run where each team has to make there way through the course a course and collect coins. The first team to collect all 30 coins wins the game.
Creative Final Results
Epic games