Kyle Korver Traded To The Jazz For Alec Burks And 2 Draft Picks


Kyle Korver was traded to the Utah Jazz for Alec Burks and second round draft picks 2020and 2021. I talked about some trades earlier this week, but I didn't even consider Kyle Korver moving. I actually really like this move, Korver will help spread the floor and be able to get back to his spot up shooting style will playmakers like Rubio and Mitchell on the team. The Cavs get two second-round draft picks over the next two years which will be helpful as they rebuild. On the East coast, we don't see too many Jazz games, so I will be following them going forward to see how this move plays out. I hope you all havent forgot how Korver has lead the league in 3 point percentages over 4 times in his career. He is currently second on the all-time list for active players(43.1%) coming in right behind Chef Curry(43.8). The dude can shoot, get him a Jackie and call him a Kelso, he's still got game.