Beer Review: Leinenkugel Snowdrift Vanilla Porter
So I was walking through Lowe’s Foods this past weekend and ended snagging a 6 pack of Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter. This is definitely not a beer I would have imagined walking out the store with but it just happened that there Leinenkugel’s beer stand in the store handing out free samples and I’m not going to lie, I was impressed. I ended up buying some and here’s the review.
Appearance: Dark brown. It’s a porter, so it was obviously very dark. I wouldn’t say it’s as dark as Guinness (which color is basically black if you’re not familiar with Guinness) but it was pretty close. The bottle itself also had a very nice look to it. Pictured on the bottle is what appears to be a cabin in the woods surrounded by snow. Very fitting for this seasonal porter.
Taste: Most porters tend to have some degree of a coffee taste but i didn’t taste any of that in this beer. A roasted feel with just a hint of sweetness from the vanilla. It really is a good tasting porter. It’s not overpowering, not bitter and the amount of vanilla is just right. This is a perfect winter time beer.
Grade: 3.75/5