Beer Review: New Belgium Trippel
Photo Credit: New Belgium
So I snagged a 6 pack of New Belgium Trippel last week when Lebo and me were at Frugal MacDoogal’s in search of some Conor McGregor whiskey. We struck out on landing some Proper 12 as they were all sold out but I did come across this New Belgium Trippel on sale for $7.99 a six pack. Now I’ve seen this New Belgium Trippel in the stores for a couple of months now, dating all the way back to summer, but had never given it a try. At $7.99, when I know I had seen it previously for over $10, I knew I had to give it a try.
Photo Credit: New Belgium
Appearance: I’m not really sure what they are going for with the packaging and bottle for this beer. A Trippel is a Belgian style beer, but the bottle shows 3 women dressed in togas toasting a beer. Correct me if I wrong, but I feel that this Greek inspired theme is completely unrelated to anything Belgian. Pretty sure the packaging is to make this beer feel upper class to justify the original $10 price tag. The beer itself might just be the most golden colored beer I’ve ever seen. The beer is so bright gold that there’s almost a hint of orange to it. Very impressive appearance.
Taste: A very crisp beer with a strong spice to it. I’m not sure what that spice or spices is, I do feel like there was a hint of clove(It kind of resembled a Hefe), but this has to be the spiciest beer I’ve ever tasted. And it’s not spicy in the sense of hot, just an overpowering sense of flavor. This beer also has a pretty high ABV, at 8.5% but obviously does a good job of disguising it. All in all, the New Belgium Trippel is a pretty solid beer. I would buy this beer again for $8 a six pack, but I don’t think I enjoyed it enough to ever pay more than $10 for it.
ABV: 8.5%
Grade: 3.25/5