Movie Review: The Peanut Butter Falcon

The Peanut Butter Falcon








There have been so many great movies to hit the big screen in 2019 and many still to come, however, I have not looked forward to any of them as much as “The Peanut Butter Falcon.”  I’ve been a wrestling fan my whole life and I was intrigued by the concept of this film and I knew it had the potential to incredibly special.  I bought this on Tuesday and watched it that night and then again last night.  I adore this movie so much I already want to watch it again.  It is so sweet and full of heart.  There is a quote in the beginning of the movie, “friends are the family you choose,” and I have to say Shia LeBeouf, Dakota Johnson, and Zack Gottsagen were a perfect trio that truly encompassed that message.  Their onscreen chemistry was pure and heartfelt.  Without spoiling any details, I just want to mention a scene I love that involved a makeshift boat floating down the river with a beautiful sunset in the background.  The characters sharing that feeling of freedom, living each day in the moment, and appreciating life for the gift it is really hit me in the feels.  I wish I could capture that feeling of uncorrupted innocence and joy in a bottle.  The writers and directors did an amazing job with creating a movie centering around a young man with down syndrome and executing it in such an enlightening and inspiring way.  Also, the soundtrack was put together very well with an old soul country and bluegrass mix.  Like the analogy made in “Pineapple Express,” if “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and “Into the Wild” had a baby and then “Napoleon Dynamite” and “Nacho Libre” had a baby and then those two babies grew up and had a baby, you get “The Peanut Butter Falcon.”  It is a great family movie with a powerful and moving message that I loved from start to finish and would recommend it to anyone.  There is a little foul language so beware if younger children are present.  This one instantly cemented itself as one of my all-time favorites.  Party on Tyler and Zak, party on.  4/5