Song of the Day: Early Mornin' Rain

If you’re living in the Southeastern part of the United States you probably had some rain showers come your way over the last 2 or 3 days and it’s a good possibility that it’s raining on this early Sunday morning. If you have read any of my non-WWE or sports articles, then you know that I’m a huge Elvis fan, so I thought I would give you a little bit of Elvis today. George Hamilton IV originally released this song as a single and it was written by Gordon Lightfoot. It was performed by many artists including Gordon Lightfoot, Bob Dylan, Peter Mary and Paul, and the Grateful Dead. Hamilton said that Elvis’s version was his favorite, so that’s the one i’m going with.


I had the Song of the Day picked out before I was reminded about this, but on this day in history in the year 1960, Frank Sinatra had a special airing of his television show, The Frank Sinatra Timex Show. On this particular show, he had a featured guest on his program and the show happened to be in the guest’s honor after his return from the Army. If you haven’t guessed it by now, it was Elvis Presley. He was stationed in Germany for nearly two years and he came back an even bigger star. Elvis performed “Stuck on You” and “Fame and Fortune”, which was the first single and B-side recording he released post-Army. He also did an iconic duet with Frank Sinatra. The ABC special brought in approximately 67.7% of the viewing audience and Elvis earned $125,000 for roughly 7 minutes of airtime. Pretty good payday in 1960 and if you click on the video above, you’ll get to see every second of it.
