The Office: Season Six Episodes (Ranked)
I finished watching The Office all the way through for the fourth time recently, so like any fan of the series, I decided to start it all over again. This time as I go through each season, I am putting together a ranked list of each episode in that season in order from my least favorite to my favorite. Keep in mind that these are MY opinions, which means they are 100% correct. Just kidding. Sort of. I’ve already ranked the episodes from seasons 1-5, now it’s time for season 6.
26. The Lover: Episode 7
This one is just not very entertaining. Jim and Pam are back from their honeymoon and quickly find out some very shocking news: Michael is dating Pam’s mother. I don’t enjoy Pam’s overreaction to the news and acting like a teenager for most of the episode. There was nothing really funny about it all, but it does add a little intrigue as to how the characters will get along going forward. The other storyline was Dwight secretly audio-taping Jim with a pen and disguising that fact by using a wooden duck. That, too, wasn’t interesting or funny. This episode just feels like one of those filler episodes to get you to the next one.
25. Scott’s Tots: Episode 12
This is one of the more memorable episodes for a lot of people, but not for good reason. The reason is for its cringiness. It’s the most cringy episode on The Office. Michael doesn’t follow through with his promise that he made ten years earlier to a bunch of 3rd graders that he would pay for each of their college tuition, and he must tell them all in person while standing in front of the very excited and welcoming classroom. The scenes provide a few chuckles, but it is hard to watch at the same time. Back at the office, Dwight is up to another one of his “get Jim fired” schemes, where he arranges for Jim to win Employee of the Month (with a cash prize) and then Pam to win after he won’t take it. To me, that wasn’t very entertaining nor funny.
24. Delivery: Part 1: Episode 17
The first of a two-parter, it exclusively revolves around Pam going into labor. I don’t find this episode very interesting or entertaining, though there are a few parts that make you chuckle. To me, most of the episode is annoying with Pam dead-set on waiting to go to the hospital until the very last minute. Jim spends the whole episode “frazzled” because of Pam, but he calms a little when he finds out they’re having a girl. The few parts that make you chuckle are Michael taking everything so seriously like he is the father, Dwight wanting Angela to have his baby for “business reasons,” and Dwight getting pulled over by the cops for impersonating a police car while escorting Jim and Pam.
23. Sabre: Episode 15
This episode starts a new chapter in The Office series, as we are introduced to Sabre, the company who bought out Dunder-Mifflin. We meet Gabe (whose character I always liked) and company CEO Jo Bennett (whose character I never really did like). Sabre introduces new company policies to save time and resources, none of which Michael liked at all. This storyline was pretty bland, along with Michael driving up to David Wallace’s house to ask for advice. Jim and Pam interviewing at the local daycare wasn’t entertaining at all and just didn’t feel important or entertaining enough to put on the episode. The best parts were the opening when Michael aggressively unboxed and distributed all of Gabe’s stuff, and when Andy and Erin sang the welcome song to Gabe pronouncing “Sabre” wrong. Overall, it’s just a dull episode that if I watched when it was first shown on television, I would be concerned about the show’s future. And now that I think about it, I think this episode marks the point where the show was just never the same again. There are many good episodes after this one, but it steers away from “vintage” The Office here.
22. Manager and the Salesman: Episode 16
The main storyline here is Sabre CEO Jo Bennett visiting the Scranton office for the first time, finding out Jim and Michael are splitting manager duties, and forcing one of them to step down to sales. Jim and Michael go back and forth between who should be manager and who should be salesman and it really isn’t very interesting. The secondary storyline is Andy giving out Valentine’s Day cards to the office, which isn’t very interesting either. However, there are a few small parts in this episode that are funny like when Ryan asked Dwight, “Did you see Saw?” and Dwight responded, “Of course I see-saw. Me and Mose see-saw all the time.” And Michael’s cigarette and penis line was hilarious too.
21. The Meeting: Episode 2
This one revolves mostly around serious, business stuff that just isn’t that interesting…the serious, business stuff being Jim meeting with David Wallace about moving into a branch manager role, whether that is at the Scranton branch or elsewhere. When Michael meets with Wallace after and throws Jim under the bus because he doesn’t want to lose him, that is a bad moment as well. Even though it all works out in the end, this episode just doesn’t provide much on the entertainment side of things. The best part is easily when Dwight and Toby stalk Darryl at his house to attempt to prove his injury is fake, which ends up with Toby (of all people) yelling at Darryl’s look-a-like sister.
20. Delivery: Part 2: Episode 18
This one is better than the first part, but still far from one of my favorites. The episode revolving around having a baby is important for the series, but sacrifices entertaining qualities that make The Office so good. It’s important because it helps bring the show, and the characters, to life with relatable life circumstances, and is the kind of episode that every series should sprinkle in here and there. But at the end of those episodes, you’re just ready for it to get back to the goofy humor that makes the show so popular in the first place. There are a few more entertaining moments in this part than the first part, though. Michael lighting the cigar in the hospital, Andy’s newspaper gift, and Dwight tearing up Jim and Pam’s kitchen were all funny scenes. And Andy and Erin finally have a date set up.
19. The Promotion: Episode 3
On the heels of Jim’s promotion to co-manager, the office has turned into a hectic place when Jim and Michael must make the unpopular decision of how to allocate raises around the office with insufficient funds. Everyone is upset in this episode, and even Jim and Michael struggle to get along while trying to make the decision together. Overall, it’s not a very entertaining episode because of all the tension around the office, but there are a few parts that draw a few chuckles. You can tell by watching this episode that the office won’t be run like this for too long.
18. Double Date: Episode 9
This is one of those cringy Office episodes that some people love and others, like myself, aren’t a huge fan of. It’s Pam’s mother’s birthday, and Michael takes her out to lunch along with Jim and Pam. What makes it cringy is the fact that Michael finds out her age (58 years old) during the meal and proceeds to break up with her because of it, just as Pam was beginning to come around on the fact that he was dating her mom. It was funny seeing Michael dreading “the punch” from Pam so much later at work, especially as Toby was demonstrating to Pam how to throw a punch. The rest of the episode was nothing special as it revolved around Dwight attempting to get everyone in the office to owe him a favor, which he planned to cash in to somehow get Jim fired. Andy constantly returning the favor was mildly entertaining, however.
17. Whistleblower: Episode 26
The last episode of season six doesn’t exactly go out with a bang, nor does it leave you eagerly awaiting what’s next. It does insinuate that Holly will be coming back, though. When Jo storms into the office wanting to pinpoint the whistleblower in the Sabre printer-fire problem, everyone suspects Andy, but Pam, Darryl, and Kelly actually come forward. It’s found out that Andy was one of them too, though. Nothing is really that funny in this episode, except when the IT guy was searching everyone’s computer and then him announcing he was leaving. Kevin being scared when he found out his computer was going to be searched was funny, and Dwight putting the IT guy in the headlock was funny too. But other than that, it was more of a business-centered episode.
16. Niagara: Part 1: Episode 4
This is the first of a two-parter and nowhere near as good as the second part. The second part is very memorable and entertaining, but we’ll get to that when breaking down that episode. This first part is important though, because it sets up the second. The entire office takes two days off from work and travels up to Niagara Falls for Jim and Pam’s wedding. Everyone is very excited about it with their own ambitions, which is fun to watch. But a lot of the episode centered around hiding the “baby” secret from Pam’s old-fashioned grandma, who proceeds to find out after Jim’s error. The ending is the best part when everyone is in Andy’s hotel room dancing and Andy has his unfortunate injury.
15. Koi Pond: Episode 8
This episode has always felt like a “middle of the pack” episode to me. It’s not real great and not real bad. When Michael falls into a koi pond on his and Jim’s business meeting, he becomes the butt of the joke back at the office when everyone finds out. The funniest parts are when the office makes the “Do Not Mock” list and several of the employees list things they don’t want being mocked (Dwight’s small nose and Ryan’s “Kelly” were great), and Creed’s weird line of “You’re paying way too much for worms, man. Who’s your worm guy?” The scenes with Andy and Pam out on sales calls weren’t entertaining and did nothing for the episode. I expect this episode to fall somewhere in the middle when I’m done ranking them all.
14. Shareholder Meeting: Episode 11
The funniest things about this episode are Recyclops and Michael’s antics at the Dunder-Mifflin shareholder meeting in New York. First, Dwight’s Recyclops character is a great opening to the episode, and also a memorable character throughout the whole series. I love how it evolves over time. Second, Michael is hilarious when he rouses an angry crowd of Dunder-Mifflin shareholders by telling them the company had a 45-day plan to get back on track, which they didn’t, and backed them into a major corner. The rest of the episode is a little boring, with not much going on back at the office except everyone downplaying Jim’s co-manager role. We do get to see Ryan’s office moved to the hallway closet, which is rather funny.
13. New Leads: Episode 20
When Sabre’s “sales is king” policy is pushed, it influences the sales team by letting it go to their heads. They begin acting cocky and uppity around the office, much to everyone else’s dismay. So the whole episode revolves around tensions between the sales staff and everyone else in the office, including Michael Scott. Those tensions just increase when the new, expensive leads finally arrive at the office and Michael won’t hand them out. Instead he gives them to other staff members and makes them figure out riddles to obtain them. Those are decent scenes with a few laughs. I like it when Michael and Dwight go to the dump to look for the lost leads, get mad at each other, and then sort of re-kindle their friendship by bringing back a beanbag chair for the office that Dwight tells everyone is for “me and Michael only!”
12. The Chump: Episode 25
After finding out from the previous episode that Michael is the guy that Donna is cheating on her husband with, we find out in this episode that Michael is still seeing her, which absolutely dismays the rest of the office. The scene where Michael and Andy go to the high school baseball game was ok, but the Dwight-Angela contract scenes, along with the Jim-Pam “tired” scenes weren’t all that entertaining. The best part in this episode was the opening scene where Toby was holding the radon test kit meeting. Michael kept throwing them away, which was funny, and gives one of his famous lines to everyone in the office, “if I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby and only had two bullets, I would shoot Toby twice.” All the employees groaned at that remark, but fans of the show can’t help but laugh at it.
11. Secretary’s Day: Episode 22
There are two storylines in this episode, one that I like and one that I don’t. I like the “Kevin as Cookie Monster” thing where Oscar makes the video and everyone does impressions. I also love the fact that Gabe takes it serious, but ends up making himself look dumb. I’ve always liked Gabe’s character in The Office, and this is the first episode where he takes a bigger role. However, I didn’t care for the storyline where Erin finds out about Andy and Angela’s past and acts like a baby over it. The way she handles it is childish and annoying to watch. Overall, it’s a decent episode.
10. Body Language: Episode 23
When Donna, whom Michael meets in the Happy Hour episode, comes to the office to buy printers, Jim and Pam get the opportunity to make the sales pitch. But Michael keeps interrupting because he is head over heels for Donna. It’s pretty entertaining seeing him make a fool of himself and keep falling on his face time and time again. His slideshow was funny and him eating a mint out of Donna’s hand was as well. The “minority executive program” storyline was mildly entertaining. When Dwight fears that Darryl will fast-track his way into becoming branch manager simply because he’s a minority, he tries to get Kelly to run for the same program, knowing she would never work hard enough to make it that far. But his plan backfires and there’s some funny parts that go along. Also, it was hilarious when Gabe proudly told the camera crew his excitement for “bagging” an Indian for the minority executive program because the program was “almost too black.”
9. Gossip: Episode 1
This was a solid way to kick off a new season. It almost feels like the camera crew took some time off and we all had a little catching up to do because this episode is the summer interns’ last day in the office and we hadn’t seen them on the show before. When gossip begins about two of the interns and Michael is left out, he takes revenge on the situation when he secretly finds out a crucial piece of information about Stanley and gossips about it to everyone in the office. He backs himself into a corner and him trying to get out of it is pretty funny. We also get one of Creed’s many, many classic lines in this episode with, “if I can’t scuba then what has all of this been about?” And the opening is one of the best episode openings in the whole series…parkour, parkour!
8. The Cover-Up: Episode 24
Pretty solid episode here that revolves around the office convincing Michael that Donna is cheating on him and Dwight trying to prove it. It’s funny when Dwight goes to the gym to hit on Donna to prove that she is cheating, or willing to cheat on Michael. It’s also funny to see Michael agonizing over the accusation back at the office, where he is eating a bowl of mayonnaise and black olives. When Jim says that it’s too early for ice cream, Michael replies with the great line of, “it’s never too early for ice cream. And besides, this is mayonnaise and black olives because we didn’t have any ice cream.” The Andy-Darryl story about the printers catching fire is somewhat funny, but the best part of it was easily when Creed walks by Andy and does the cut-throat motion and then tells the camera crew that “Darnell is a chump” for giving him $3 to do it. “I would’ve done it for anything. I’ve done a lot more for a lot less.”
7. Murder: Episode 10
This is a good episode. In what is a very anxious and nervous day at the office after they learn the company might go under, Michael decides to turn everyone’s attention to a murder mystery game. This was much to Jim’s dismay, as he just wanted everyone to carry on working as usual. It’s one of the few episodes where I don’t really like Jim’s character and is also one that depicts how good of a boss Michael Scott is for his unusual tactics. The murder mystery game gives us a lot of funny scenes with Oscar’s southern accent, Creed’s getaway, and the classic finger-gun standoff. There’s something between Andy and Erin brewing, but the two can’t get on the same page to set up a date. And I love the scene where Michael is extremely nervous about the company’s situation and he’s inside his office with the door closed, blaring Shawn Mullin’s “Lullaby.” It’s a pretty memorable episode that not only keeps the Dunder-Mifflin employees in limbo, but The Office viewers as well.
6. Mafia: Episode 6
This is a hilarious episode and is also very unusual since Jim and Pam aren’t featured in it (although you do hear them over the phone). While they’re down in Puerto Rico on their honeymoon, Michael, Dwight, and Andy are paranoid back in Scranton that they are entangled with the mob when insurance agent John Grotti comes to the office on a sales pitch. This entire storyline is hilarious, as the three employees meet Grotti for lunch. The scene where Andy attempts to jumpstart a woman’s car is one of my all-time favorites as well. And Kevin is hilarious in this episode talking about taking over Jim’s office (while he’s away) as his own, originally just to go into to fart, and also accidentally canceling Jim’s credit card. This is one of those light hearted comical episodes that I just love.
5. St. Patrick’s Day: Episode 19
This is a fun one to watch with several memorable scenes. It’s Meredith’s favorite day of the year, and as Michael quotes, “the closest the Irish will ever get to Christmas.” Jo Bennet spends the day in the office, keeping the employees late when they are ready to go to the bar after work, until Michael finally takes a stand. This is the episode where Darryl moves up to the office from his warehouse job after presenting a good idea to Jo. Andy and Erin finally have their unusual first date. We have Dwight’s “megadesk” which was hilarious. Michael taking Jo up on her offer to stay at her place anytime he’s in Tallahassee by instantly booking a plane ticket was very funny. And lastly, I love the part where Dwight plays “Cats in the Cradle” aloud, Jim turns it off, and then Andy starts to sing it very loudly, kicking it off with his infamous “ruh-dut-dut-dut-duh-dooo.” It’s a very good holiday-themed episode.
4. The Banker: Episode 14
This one is tough to rank. It’s one of those sit-com episodes that looks back throughout the episodes, usually featured near the very end of a series. And though this isn’t the end of The Office series, with three more seasons after season six, it is placed within The Office at a very good time since Dunder-Mifflin is being sold. When the banker comes into the office to look around the warehouse and talk with Toby about any potential wasted time or resources, Toby gives him the easy answers while he reminisces all the times when the office has wasted time and resources. Watching this episode is like going back through old photo albums and it gives you a very good, nostalgic feeling. It almost makes you want to start the series over right then and there, but I think the main thing it does for viewers is solidify their feelings that The Office is one of the best shows ever produced.
Reddit, via andrew342678
3. Secret Santa: Episode 13
I rate this episode as the third best overall Christmas episode from The Office, out of its seven. It’s a very good one that contains a lot of laughs, mostly because of an immature Michael Scott. A vast majority of the time, an immature Michael Scott equals a hilarious episode. In this one, he gets upset because Jim has allowed Phyllis to be Santa at the office Christmas party instead of him, tries to be a second Santa, then decides to be Jesus before letting his pouty attitude get the best of him where he makes some hilarious jokes. Kevin sitting on Michael’s lap and Michael claiming Toby the anti-Christ were great scenes. Andy’s “12 Days of Christmas” gift to Erin was funny, especially because he thought it was such a great idea and she was becoming tormented by it. And lastly, this episode wrapped up with the good news that the employees at the Scranton branch would not lose their jobs after being bought out. That was followed with Dwight singing karaoke to “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and everyone opening their gifts. It was a great feel-good scene and a great way to end a great episode.
2. Niagara: Part 2: Episode 5
This is one of the most memorable episodes from the entire Office series. The second part of a two-parter has so much packed into its 22 minutes from funny, entertaining scenes to feel-good, emotional scenes. Jim and Pam finally get married and if you’ve been watching from the start, all six seasons have been leading up to this. The most entertaining scene is when everyone dances down the aisle to Chris Brown’s “Forever.” It was just a very fun and feel good scene. Other feel good scenes in the movie included the secret Niagara Falls wedding and when Jim cut off his tie for Pam. Kevin also shined in this episode with his “hair” and his Kleenex shoes. There were several other funny moments as well. And lastly, there were moments that leave you anticipating what will happen next, specifically between Michael and Pam’s mom, and Andy and Erin. One of the best episodes of the series, without question.
1. Happy Hour: Episode 21
This is a hilarious episode all the way through! The opening scene is a fantastic one with Stanley’s heroic push-up accomplishment to beat Michael’s 25 to get to go home early. Then the Office decides to go out to a Dave & Busters-type place after work for happy hour (Oscar’s idea) and things never stop being funny. Kevin’s baby cry in front of Pam, Andy and Erin’s lame but funny attempts to hide the fact they’re dating, Erin’s groping of another guy, Dwight and Isabell’s flirting in front of a jealous Angela, Creed tearing it up on Dance Dance Revolution, Hide’s Japanese surgeon story, and Date Mike are all hilarious. And Date Mike…one of my favorite Michael Scott personalities. “Hi, I’m date Mike, nice to meet me.” This is an episode I could easily watch over and over again.