33 Things to Do While You’re Stuck at Home
You’ve heard it all over the place: stay at home, social distance yourself, and don’t go out. With everyone trying to ride this thing out by staying home, there’s no doubt more than a few people are already stir crazy. To help get you through, I’ve made a list of things you can do to help keep you occupied while you are stuck at home, for however long this frenzy may last. Feel free to add to the list by leaving a comment at the bottom of this page or on twitter.
1. Learn a musical instrument (the most recommended thing)
2. Watch a new tv series
3. Play cards
4. Clean/Organize the house
5. Learn to cook
6. Work on a house project
7. Play video games
8. Exercise
9. Go outside to take a walk/run
10. Take a free online class
11. Put together a puzzle
12. Do yardwork
13. Build something
14. Catch up on sleep
15. Watch movies you’ve never seen
16. Learn to brew your own beer
17. Use ancestry.com to look up your family history
18. Start a blog
19. Learn a new language
20. Go through and organize old photos
21. Learn to sing
22. Start a vlog
23. Go through your house and get rid of things you don’t use/need anymore
24. Learn the stock market and potential investing opportunities
25. Draw/Paint your own pictures
26. Write a song
27. Start doing early Christmas shopping
28. Keep a personal journal of these interesting times to look back on
29. Create plans for when life gets back to normal
30. Watch a documentary
31. Read a book
32. Spend time with your pet
33. Follow @thesportschief on Twitter and visit the website www.thesportschief.com