Challenge the Chief!

Welcome to the fun series called “Challenge the Chief” where I challenge you to a quiz (from  Every Monday I will post a new challenge to a quiz of my choice, post my results, and see if you can beat me.  This quiz is for movie lovers.  Now, I enjoy watching movies, but I wouldn’t consider myself a movie fanatic.  Therefore, I won’t be posting the highest scores on movie quizzes.  But I am pretty satisfied with my score on this one.  Given a picture of a portion of 24 different movie posters, see if you can name the movies to which they belong to.  You get six minutes, which is plenty of time to do so.  The score to beat is 17.

**Note** Today’s trivia quiz does not have an embed code option, so you must click on the link below

Today’s Quiz

“Movie Posters”

Challenge: In under six minutes, name as many of the 24 movies as you can, given a picture of a portion of their movie poster

The Chief’s Score: 17/24
