Song of the Day: Bells of Every Chapel

Happy Friday! Today’s song of the day is by a newly featured artist here on The Sports Chief and that is Sierra Ferrell. She is a folk singer from West Virginia and she has one of the most unique voices I have ever heard. I vaguely knew of her music while listening through various Americana artists…but once I heard the “Bells of Every Chapel” I knew I had to feature it today. I have selected a live version that showcases just how strong Sierra’s voice is. It is amazing how this song sounds so much like an old 50’s or 60’s song…but in fact it was written by Ferrell while watching the tv show, “The Crown”. Another fun fact for this song, Billy Strings played the guitar on the album called Long Time Coming. This is another one that I need to add to my vinyl collection. I hope you all enjoy Sierra Ferrell and hey…maybe catch the end of the partial lunar eclipse this morning!