Song of the Day: Time and Time Again

Counting Crows' song Time and Time Again off the August and Everything After album.I paid for this song and the music is by Counting Crows.

Time and Time Again by the Counting Crows. Another song from the band’s August and Everything After album, which I probably say every time I post a song from it for song of the day but it’s a top 5 album from the 90’s. And that’s coming from somebody who loves a lot of music the 90’s had to offer. 2nd best decade for music after the 70’s, in my opinion. Apparently Time and Time Again though wasn’t too big of a hit though, as it didn’t appear to chart nor does it have it’s own wikipedia page. One thing from this song that I really enjoy is the keyboard or synthesizer that’s used throughout and even pairs up with the guitar during the solos.
