Song of the Day: Autumn Song

Happy Friday everyone out there in Sports Chief land! Today, or last night at 9:04 PM EDT…the Autumnal Equinox took place and the First day of Fall in 2022 commenced. This year, I feel very happy to celebrate Fall, and I don’t know why not?!?! The foliage changes so beautifully in North Carolina and the weather feels great. It’s another reason to drink some great local Apple Cider and enjoy a bonfire. I thought I would share this joyous time with a classic…now I have never did this before, but I wanted to feature Pyotr Ilyich Tchaicovsky and his masterpiece, “Autumn Song”. It is a part of his Opus 37a called The Seasons and even though this piece is for the month of October…I just couldn’t wait. It is also rumored that this is the song they played when the Titanic was sinking. You can almost envision that by listening to it, but it also has such a great sound. Honestly, it’s one of the more intense songs that I have listened to. I hope this piece of classical history from 1875 helps you think eloquently about Fall… or Autumn I should say and have a wonderful weekend!