AEW All Out Results and Reaction

One of the biggest wrestling events of the year has come and gone and overall, it was an excellent show. Not to say that there some things to improve upon, because there are several areas that could be improved, but considering, it was a great showing from these ladies and gentlemen. At the moment, AEW is basically a fantasy booked show due to the fact that there isn’t a weekly program to build a foundation upon, but that will soon change around this time next month. There were 10 matches on the card and I think each match provided great value. The biggest complaint that I have at the moment is the total disregard to the rulebooks from the referees. The majority of the show was kind of unknown as to what was legal and what wasn’t and I have noticed this on their other shows as well. It needs to be fixed. Rules need to be established and stipulations need to be clear for fans to follow. I’ve heard the term ‘spot fest’ thrown around a lot in these early AEW shows and I couldn’t agree more. Don’t throw out the rule book to sell a likely meaningless moment. Sure, I like cool spots that are almost unbelievable to witness, but unwarranted chaos for a crowd pop will lose its luster after a while. Entrances were decent here, but there still are some things that could be better with the presentation aspect. I am going to breakdown each match and I want to know what you guys thought about the PPV also, if you watched it.




-      21-Woman Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Nyla Rose

Final 4: Nyla Rose, Britt Baker, Bea Priestley, Mercedes Martinez



I can’t say that this result was really shocking, but I didn’t expect it quite this early. I fully expected Britt Baker to win this match, but she happened to be the last one eliminated. Nyla Rose is moving on to the October 2nd AEW Women’s World Championship match during AEW’s television debut. It’s no secret that AEW is all about starting a revolution and breaking barriers and the fact that the inaugural champ is likely going to be a transgender woman is ground breaking to say the least. Some fans like this and some fans don’t and I’m not going to dig any further into it, but this sort of thing is something to set them apart from the competition and that is what AEW is all about, like it or not. Mercedes Martinez was a big-time performer here and I think she could be a force moving forward and it was interesting to see the back-and-forth between Britt Baker and Bea Priestley, but other than that, it was just a decent match. 





GRADE: 7.5/10


-      Men’s Tag Team Match

Private Party over Angélico and Jack Evans



I mentioned in my predictions article that I expected an energetic bout here and that is exactly what we witnessed here. This was a really fun match and both of their in-ring styles complemented each other. Private Party winning here wasn’t a shock, but the match easily could’ve gone the other way. Expect these two teams to be competing for the Tag team belts once they are established.




GRADE: 8.7/10




-      6-Man Tag Team Match

SoCal Uncensored over Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, and Marko Stunt



I thought this was going to be the match to kick off the main show and it was. It was an excellent showing by all involved, but based on Twitter reaction, Luchasaurus stole the show and I couldn’t disagree. He was a vital part to the match and his spots were incredible. There wasn’t anything at stake in the match, so it devalued it just a little, but it was a fun opener to the show. We saw some good old-fashioned tag team action with a hint of modern styles and it was a good clash. It wasn’t an excellent match, but it didn’t have to be. All it had to do was to gain more intrigue for the matches that followed and it did just that. 




GRADE: 8.6/10




-      Men’s Singles Match

PAC over Kenny Omega





I wasn’t really shocked to see PAC win, but I certainly didn’t expect it. PAC picked up a referee stoppage win over Omega. PAC locked in a submission move and Omega was knocked out of the match. This match fired up fans for the rest of the show and I’m glad that they placed it where they did, although I expected it to be later on the card. These are two of the best in the wrestling world and it was on full display last night. The match lasted a little over 23 minutes, but it felt like a really good 15-minute matchup. I don’t know what is next for these two, but expect them to be in the running for the AEW title. 




GRADE: 9.4/10




-      Cracker Barrel Clash: Men’s Triple Threat Match

Jimmy Havoc over Joey Janela and Darby Allin



If you are a fan of hardcore/extreme rules matches then this was the match for you. I expected to see this style of wrestling here and it didn’t really disappoint. Darby Allin reminds me a lot of Jeff Hardy and Joey Janela reminds me a lot of Brian Pillman. This was a crazy match that had a lot going on and each competitor left it all on the line. I don’t know what this means for Havoc or the others for future reference, but if AEW is going to have a minor single championship in the near future, I’d say these guys are favorites for it. 




GRADE: 9.1/10




-      Men’s Tag Team Match

The Dark Order over Best Friends



This was a very forgettable match, in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, it was a solid match, but the biggest takeaway from this was after the bell. Orange Cassidy’s appearance was the biggest moment from this segment. The Dark Order gets a first-round bye and it is no secret that they’re seen as top-level competition. It was a good match, but not really close to a great match. 




GRADE: 7.8/10




-      Women’s Singles Match

Riho over Hikaru Shida



This was a fun match to watch. Riho will face Nyla Rose on October 2nd for the Women’s Championship. They were in a fight to reach the AEW television debut match and it looked like they absolutely wanted it. Storytelling was great is this contest and I’m interested to see more from these two competitors. I don’t think Riho will be the new champ, but it should be an entertaining match next month.




GRADE: 8.8/10




-      Men’s Singles Match

Cody (with MJF) over Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard)





It was the most anticipated match of the show, but I thought it fell short of expectation. The match went a little over 16 minutes, but it felt like it was much longer. There was a great deal of storytelling, and I expected that, but it just didn’t really do a whole lot for me. I thought this was probably the favorite for match of the night heading into All Out, but of all of the main portion matches on the card, I feel like it was the worst. The coolest part of the match was Arn Anderson hitting the spinebuster on Shawn Spears. The match wasn’t completely disappointing, but I really did think it was underwhelming. Also, this is a prime example of the ref throwing the rule book out during the middle of the match.




GRADE: 7.7/10




-      Escalera De La Muerte: AAA World Tag Team Championship

Lucha Brothers (C) over The Young Bucks                  *Match of the Night*



This match was absolutely insane. It was a great match, but I think it was a little overdone. They had too many big spots and I personally feel it took away from the match a little bit. Even though that is weird to say, I know that is what is to be expected from these two teams, so I disregard it a little. I consider this match of the night, but not by a large margin. The crowd was totally into it and I totally understand. The ladder match was a great choice and they went through a lot of tables. We also had a post-match attack from LAX members Santana and Ortiz. It will be interesting to see what they can bring to the table in AEW. This was match of the night, but I feel like it would’ve had a little more value if there weren’t so many big spots. 




GRADE: 9.6/10




-      Men’s Singles Match: AEW World Championship

Chris Jericho over Hangman Adam Page





I mentioned in the predictions article that the goal in this match was to make Adam Page a star and they did just that last night. Although I feel like there was something missing from this match, it was pretty solid and the ending was great. I knew going in that Jericho was going to win, but Page looked better than I expected. Also, that title looks great and it will be fun to see it defended from here on out. This match was another example of the ref disregarding the rules. Although she was entertaining in spots, she was almost too involved with the match. By the way, Aubrey Edwards is the first female referee to officiate a main event world title match, and that is pretty cool, but on the same note, AEW refs seem almost non-existent in regards to order in the ring. This match was executed wonderfully, but I want to see refs being refs and not enhancement talent.




GRADE: 9.2/10



