The Office: Season Two Episodes (Ranked)
I finished watching The Office all the way through for the fourth time recently, so like any fan of the series, I decided to start it all over again. This time as I go through each season, I am putting together a ranked list of each episode in that season in order from my least favorite to my favorite. Keep in mind that these are MY opinions, which means they are 100% correct. Just kidding. Sort of. I’ve already ranked Season 1 episodes, so let’s move on to my favorite season, Season 2:
22. Conflict Resolution: Episode 21
This one’s my least favorite episode from Season 2. Nobody in the office is in a good mood because Michael is going through all the filed complaints that the employees have filed against one another, attempting to work through them. But as Michael usually does, he just makes things worse, so everyone ends up mad at each other, even Pam at Jim because she finds out he complained about her planning her wedding at work. It’s just not a happy episode and has few funny parts. The two funniest parts revolved around Creed and his “old man smell” complaint and the complaint he filed of “having to stare at the red head all day and would rather face the receptionist.”
21. Michael’s Birthday: Episode 19
This episode is one of the few throughout the series that leans on the cringy side. It’s Michael’s birthday and being the self-centered person he can be, he wants the day to be all about him. The problem is Kevin is waiting to hear back if he has skin cancer or not, so the rest of the office is in a somber mood. Michael can’t stand this so he makes things a little cringy when he puts his birthday before Kevin’s health. Cringy Michael can be a really funny Michael, but for me that isn’t the case in this one. I have always liked Dwight’s birthday gift to Michael though: the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins jersey with “From Dwight” on the back of it.
20. Performance Review: Episode 8
After seeing Michael’s savvy business influencing skills in the last episode, we’re back to seeing him look like an idiot in this episode. And while that usually means good things for fans of the show, it’s not really the case in this episode. He spends the whole episode gathering thoughts on his “relationship” with Jan, including from Jan herself, even after she makes it clear she’s not interested in him in the slightest. It gets a little tiring by the end of the episode. My favorite thing about this episode was the beginning when Dwight is bragging about his exercise ball that he has replaced his office chair with.
19. Valentine’s Day: Episode 16
Michael is in New York City for a company meeting with the new CFO, where he’s trying to determine what branch(es) can be gotten rid of from Dunder Mifflin. This episode gives us the first appearance of David Wallace (the CFO), who I think is a very underrated character on The Office. When Michael shows the camera crew around NYC, I love when he tells them about his favorite NYC pizza joint and it ends up being Sbarro. It’s kind of a boring day back at the office, where Phyllis gets Valentine’s presents galore, it’s discovered that Kelly and Ryan hooked up, and Dwight and Angela exchange gifts. It’s sort of a slow-moving episode that gives us a lot of things to set up later episodes.
18. Halloween: Episode 5
This episode sort of has shades of season 1 when the mood around the office is sort of somber due to the rumors of downsizing. Everyone in the office knows that by the end of the day, someone is going to get fired, even though they’re trying to celebrate Halloween. Everyone is in costumes, but it’s not a happy Halloween. Even Jim and Pam aren’t the same towards each other after Pam suggested Jim take a better-paying position in Maryland. It’s not a bad episode, it’s just not the lighthearted type that I love so much. This is also the episode where Creed almost gets fired, but thank GOODNESS he convinces Michael to fire Devin instead.
17. Sexual Harassment: Episode 2
This one sort of has a slow storyline, but has some very funny parts. It’s an episode where we get to see the immature side of Michael with his inappropriate jokes around the office, which is always good. We’re also introduced to Todd Packer, who is very annoying but funny at the same time. It’s weird how his character grows on you after a while.
16. Dwight’s Speech: Episode 17
There’s nothing real special about this episode, but it’s certainly not a bad one either. It centers around Dwight winning Dunder-Mifflin salesman of the year and having to give a big speech for it that he gets really nervous about. The funniest part is when he finally gets the nerve to go up on stage and starts giving his Benito Mussolini-inspired speech, pounding his fists into the stand and throwing them up into the air. Back in the office, Pam’s wedding talk is really ramping up, which causes Jim to plan a trip so he can miss the wedding.
15. Drug Testing: Episode 20
Dwight is the star in this episode as he puts his Lackawanna County Volunteer Sheriff’s Deputy title to use. A half-smoked joint is found in the office parking lot and Dwight puts his investigative skills into overdrive, which drives Michael to try to weasel his way out of the investigation. This is because Michael admits that he accidentally smoked some of it at an Alicia Keys concert. Dwight calls in the drug testers to come to the office, but sacrifices his volunteer job to give Michael his clean sample once he finds out it was his. This is not one of the funnier episodes, but seeing Dwight walk around in his goofy-looking volunteer sheriff’s uniform all day was definitely funny. Also Dwight implying that Oscar could be a drug mule since visited family in Mexico when he was 5 was funny.
14. The Client: Episode 7
The Office is at its funniest when Michael Scott acts immature and senseless. In this episode he shows he actually has some business sense and great sales ability when he influences a big client to give Dunder-Mifflin their business. It’s pretty impressive watching him work his magic after seeing the complete opposite side of him in other episodes. Back at the office employees stay late to work (reading a play secretly discovered by Pam that Michael wrote). The part of the episode where Jim and Pam have a grilled cheese dinner together on top of the roof while watching Dwight shoot off fireworks gives off a nice feeling as well.
13. The Carpet: Episode 14
Todd Packer wasn’t seen in this episode, but made a heavy impact with his “Michael’s office as a bathroom” prank at the start of the show. It increasingly frustrated Michael more and more thinking that one of his employees would do that to him, until he put the office in “timeout.” When he finds out it was Packer he is relieved, laughs about it and says, “it was done out of love, just as I suspected. I just regret I didn’t keep the thing.” I’ve always loved Creed’s line of “is somebody making soup?” when the rest of the office is gathered around Michael’s office remarking on how bad it smells.
12. The Secret: Episode 13
Jim revealed his secret feelings for Pam to Michael on the booze cruise with hopes that Michael will keep it secret: and you know that won’t happen. Michael takes Jim out for lunch at Hooters to talk about things, and you know Michael in a Hooters setting will provide laughs. “I’ll have the chicken breast, hold the chicken.” Back at the office it’s spring cleaning day (in January), where Oscar takes a “sick day.” Dwight will NOT let that go undiscovered. It’s also the episode with the classic “updog” joke that Michael just cannot tell right. That part was really funny.
11. Booze Cruise: Episode 11
Michael takes his employees out for a morale booster booze cruise on the local lake and tries to take over the ship/party captain’s duties of running the ship. He becomes extremely frustrated when he can’t do anything his way, which is funny. Jim is just about to tell Pam how he feels when Roy announces he’s ready to set a date for the wedding, which leaves Jim heartbroken. Possibly the funniest part is when Dwight thinks he is really steering the ship. Solid episode.
10. Office Olympics: Episode 3
What goes on in the office when Michael is there? Little work and a lot of goofing off. What goes on when Michael is not there? Complete goofing off. While Michael and Dwight are out of the office closing Michael’s condo, Jim leads the rest of the office in Olympic-style games. This is a fun episode to watch and one that really makes you wish that you worked at Dunder-Mifflin.
9. Take Your Daughter To Work Day: Episode 18
At this point in the series you know the characters good enough to know that “take your daughter to work day” will present all kinds of funny moments around the office. I love when Michael introduces the kids to Creed who suddenly asks them if they want to see his foot with four toes. Michael creating a dating profile at the end, obliviously making his profile name “Little Kid Lover” with good intentions is hilarious. And this episode has the best Stanley moment in the complete series when he yells at Ryan because Kelly tells him he was flirting with his 8th grade daughter, “BOY HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND, BECAUSE I’LL HELP YOU FIND IT!”
8. The Fight: Episode 6
An overall great episode that starts out with a good Jim prank on Dwight (the office desk in the bathroom) and ends with a classic Michael Scott line, “Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.” Everything in between revolved around a fight set up between Michael and Dwight at Dwight’s dojo gym during lunch period to see who was the better fighter. It was funny seeing both of them attempt to fight each other and Michael’s bragging afterwards.
7. Christmas Party: Episode 10
The Office always did Christmas episodes right, and this is my 2nd favorite one. A friendly game of Secret Santa turned into “Yankee Swap” after Michael was upset with his gift, which turned the whole office party upside down. I always loved seeing Creed’s gift to Jim, which was one of his old shirts because he admitted he forgot to get him something. The party really turned around when Michael went out and bought 15 bottles of vodka and it turned into a really fun episode to watch, with everyone having a great time.
6. Boys and Girls: Episode 15
When Jan holds a “Women in the Workplace” meeting in the office, a left-out feeling Michael holds a “Guys in the Workplace” meeting in the warehouse. Nothing but hilarity ensues as Michael tries to fit in with the blue-collar warehouse crew, and absolutely destroys their warehouse attempting to use the forklift. Everyone from the warehouse guys, to the office employees, to Jan is very frustrated with Michael. I also love Dwight’s dishing on women in front of the guys when he loudly proclaims, “Yeah! And when they want you to drive them to church the next morning…like, gas ain’t free!” Very funny episode.
5. Casino Night: Episode 22
This is the first episode longer than the standard 21 minutes and all 27 minutes are great. There are so many funny moments in this one including “Dinkin Flicka, Michael accidentally ending up with two dates at casino night (Jan and Carol), Creed stealing poker chips to win his “first refrigerator,” clips of Kevin’s band Scrantonicity, and Michael saying a lot of dumb things. On a serious note, we also learn that Jim has taken the Stamford job and he puts everything on the line at the end with Pam, which leaves us hanging. After you’ve watched through the entire series, this episode is one of those classics that easily stands out.
4. The Injury: Episode 12
Another classic episode here. This one is hilarious from beginning to end. In the opening we find out that Michael burnt his foot on his George Forman grill stepping out of bed that morning. Michael acted all day as if his leg had been cut off and he was utterly helpless, which made for so many hilarious scenes. He wanted Pam or Ryan to do absolutely everything for him (which they didn’t). Meanwhile, Dwight dealt with a concussion all episode because he was in such a mad rush leaving the office that morning to pick up an injured Michael that he ran his car into a pole. I always loved the line from Michael when he asked the guest speaker in the wheelchair how long it takes him to do simple, everyday things like brush his teeth. When the guy replied “about 30 seconds,” Michael said in dismay, “Oh my God, that’s 3 times as long as it takes me..”
3. The Fire: Episode 4
“Ryan started the FII-YER!” I can’t hear Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” without thinking of Dwight’s version making fun of Ryan in this episode. Dwight is absolutely hilarious throughout this one, during the early office fire scene and later getting jealous of Ryan. Dwight just wants so badly to be Michael’s go-to guy. Also, shout out to Pam for saying Dazed and Confused was in her top three movies of all time. And finally Michael’s line, “So what I didn’t go to business school. You know who else didn’t go to business school? Lebron James, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant…” was too funny!
2. Email Surveillance: Episode 9
This episode kicks off the best four-episode stretch in the whole series. Everything about this one is funny, with one of the best openings in the entire series with Michael mistaking the IT guy for a terrorist. We get to see the office employees gather together at Jim’s house for a Friday night party, which was a lot of fun, but the problem was Michael wasn’t invited. He spends all day at work trying to hint at getting an invite, until he finally just shows up at the party unannounced and makes things awkward. I also love when he’s at improv class and he keeps ruining every scene by pulling out an “improv” gun, taking over the scenes. Very fun episode.
1. The Dundies: Episode 1
Possibly my favorite episode in the entire series, everything about this episode is gold. There are so many laughing moments throughout it, especially when Michael is handing out the hilarious Dundie awards to his staff. We also get to enjoy the Michael Scott edition of Elton John’s famous “Tiny Dancer.” And Pam really shines in this episode when she has too much to drink, gives a hilarious speech, and ends up getting banned from Chili’s restaurants. The characters were not nearly as stiff as they were in the first season, allowing us to get a better feel for the awesome cast of characters they all would become. This was a perfect way to kick off season 2.